2. Temples
Eiheiji Temple, Training Center of Soto Zen Buddhism

Eiheiji Temple located deep in mountains is a training center of Soto Zen. You will confront yourself through Zazen Meditaion and also daily practices.

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2. Temples
Chion-in Temple, Honen's Teaching to Save the People

Chion-in Temple, the head temple of the Jodo sect, is located at the foot of Mt. Higashiyama in Kyoto, built by Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616, 徳川家康) by allotting the temple grounds of Shorenin Monzeki. Hidetada, Ieyasu's successor, donated to the construction of the temple gate, ”Sanmon(三門)” or Three Gate, the largest gate in Japan. Although commonly […]

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2. Temples
Honpoji Temple, The Precursor of the Rimpa School, Hon'ami Koetsu's World of Faith and Beauty

The tender green of the trees from outside is reflected on the polished stone floor at Honpoji Temple in Kyoto. The colors shimmer on the black surface and create a tranquil atmosphere. It’s incredibly beautiful. Honpoji Temple stands as one of the temples within the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism, established by Priest Nisshin during the […]

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2. Temples
Toshodaiji Temple, Ganjin brought precepts to Japan after five failed journeys

Toshodaiji Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was founded by Ganjin or Jianzhen (668-763, 鑑真) in 759 as a center for Buddhist training when Asuka(now Nara) was Japan’s capital. In 733, during the region of the 45th Emperor Shomu (701-756, 聖武天皇), two young Japanese monks named Yoei and Fusho embarked on a mission to the […]

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