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Must Visit in 2024

Todaiji Temple Great Buddha_World Heritage_東大寺大仏

The 1300th anniversary of the enthronement of the 45th Emperor Shomu, Oct.22-Dec.8
The special festival is celebrated at the Nara Palace Site Museum and the Nara National Museum. Emperor Shomu ascended to the throne in 724, wishing to bring peace and tranquility to the nation and its people through the power of the Great Buddha at Todaiji. Coincidentally, in 2024, wooden tablets were excavated and linked to the Daijosai Festival, an important once-in-a-lifetime ceremony accompanying the succession to the throne, held when Emperor Shomu ascended to the throne. It seems that the prayers of Emperor Shomu to save people have been revived 1300 years later in the present day.

Daikakuji Temple: Saga-giku Chrysanthemum Exhibition, Nov.1-Nov.30

Traditional chrysanthemums have been unchanged for 1200 years since the Era of Emperor Saga. Daikakuji Temple exudes the elegance and prestige of Imperial culture. Under the autumn blue sky, the colorful chrysanthemums bloom beautifully.

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Shokoku-ji Jotenkaku Museum 40th Anniversary Exhibition Legacy of Zen Temples: Shokoku-ji, Kinkaku-ji and Ginkaku-ji, Oct. 11 - Nov.27 at Aichi Prefectural Musuem of Art
The 3rd Shogun of Muromachi Shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu founded Shokokuji Temple. As the head temple of the Rinzai Shokokuji sect, including Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji Temples, you can enjoy masterpieces by Kano Tanyu, Ito Jakuchu, and others, including more than 45 national treasures and important cultural properties.

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We select and offer attractive traditions and gems rooted in long Japanese history. It provides an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with the protagonist of the historical story by holding it in your hands and feeling it in your heart. >> Read More

