During the Warring States period (15th-16th centuries), Japan's castles, with their keeps, citadels, and strong walls surrounded by moats, reflect a samurai's rich history. Its functional beauty is full of highlights. Inuyama Castle and Hikone Castle, have surviving castle towers, Himeji Castle, a world heritage site, and Nagoya Castle, are said to be the strongest castle in Japan. The revolutionary warlord Oda Nobunaga developed these features, starting with Komakiyama Castle and culminating in Azuchi Castle. In the peaceful Edo period that followed, castles transitioned from "fighting castles" to "deterrents to fighting." Himeji Castle and Nagoya Castle exemplify this shift, demonstrating the uselessness of fighting against the shogunate with their overwhelming beauty and gigantic size.

World Heitage Sites

Nijojo Castle

Nijo-jo Castle, Successive Tokugawa Shogun's residense in Kyoto (二条城)

A residence of successive Tokugawa Shoguns in Kyoto. What kind of Tokugawa history had the castle watched? It was the growth, development, fall, and end of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle (White Heron Castle) (姫路城)

The 1st Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu's desire to "Win without fighting” by overwhelming grace and impregnable defense. Why did Ieyasu renovate this to be so much beauty?

Shuri Castle

National Treasures

Hikone Castle

Ii Naomasa, one of the four generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu, pioneered the Hikoe Domain and its castle with his military prowess and great diplomatic power.

Inuyama Castle

Inuyama Castle, National Treasure_国宝犬山城

The oldest castle and National Treasure. The castle lord, the Naruse clan, supported the Owari Tokugawa Domain & Tokugawa Shogunate for over 260 years.

Matsumoto Castle

Turning point in history

Edo Castle Ruin

Edo Castle, Tokugawa Shogun's residence_江戸城

Edo Castle, now the Imperial Palace
The former Tokugawa Shogun’s residence. Many people lived tumultuous lives at the end of the Edo Period.

Nagoya Castle

The overwhelming beauty of wall paintings with gold foil watched the Tokugawa Owari's castle. How did the last Lord, Yoshikatsu, decide to side with the Imperial Army rather than the Tokugawa Shogunate?

Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle (大阪城)

Osaka Castle is located at the critical point for traffic facing Osaka Bay. People in authority including emperors, Buddhists, and Samurai wanted this land. What kind of battles occurred to get it?

Wakayama Castle

Wakayama Castle Towe_和歌山城天守閣

A Keystone of Sea Transportation along the Kii Peninsula. It was built during the transition from Military to Civilian Rule at the beginning of the Edo period.

Odawara Castle

Odawra Castle Tower, Hojo clan's residence in Kanto_北条氏の小田原城天守閣

The pioneer warlord, Hojo Clan residence in the Kanto region for 100 years. How expanded the territory and why did it surrender? (@ Odawara City /小田原市

Hamamatsu Castle

Hamamatsu Castle_浜松城

Ieyasu's base to fight against his arch-enemy, Takeda Shingen, to achieve a peaceful era under the alliance with Oda Nobunaga.

Azuchi Castle Ruin

The inaugural light-up event took place at Azuchi Castle led by Oda Nobunaga. This event served as a grand declaration heralding the arrival of the nat

Tsurugajo Castle

Tsurugajo Castle of Aizu domain in Fukushima_会津鶴ヶ城

A symbol of samurai loyalty to the Tokugawa Shogun: "Be Faithful to Tokugawa, "

Goryokaku Fort

Goryokaku Fort in Autumn in Hakodate_函館 五稜郭

The final Battle base of the Boshin War. The Last Samurai, Hijikata Toshizo, fought bravely with his leadership and strategy