2. Temples
Enryakuji Temple enlightens the world for over 1200 years

Enryakuji Temple, a World Heritage, was founded in 788 by Saicho, the founder of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, on Mt.Hiei in northeastern Kyoto. At the age of 19, Saicho entered Mt.Hiei, carved the principal image of Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha), and lit a votive candle with the hope of “enlightening the world”. The Eternal […]

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3. Castles
Why was Nagoya Castle built? For the iron defense of the Tokugawa Shogunate

Nagoya Castle was built by a warlord, Tokugawa Ieyasu, as a solid fortress in 1612, just two years before the winter siege of Osaka against the Toyotomi clan. After Ieyasu's victory, Nagoya Castle kept the Western lords in check in the middle of the Tokaido road connecting Edo (Tokyo) and Osaka. He was eager to […]

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