History × Story = Discovery!
Sharing the 'Historical Stories' of Regional Heritage with the World: Insights for Business and Life.
Uncover the fascinating lives of historical figures who played a major role in shaping Japanese history, culture, and tradition. Their brilliance speaks to us through the majestic castles, the serene temples and awe-inspiring shrines, the beautiful gardens, and their writings, paintings, and creations. Explore more enjoyable and intellectually stimulating experiences by delving into the rich tapestry of Japanese history.
地域の歴史・文化資産の「歴史物語」~ ビジネスのヒント、生きるヒントを世界の皆様へ
威厳のある城、静謐な寺院や畏敬の念を抱かせる神社、美しい庭園、芸術などには、日本の歴史・文化・伝統の形成に大きな役割を果たした人々が存在します。歴史から学びつつ、より楽しく、知的好奇心を刺激する旅や体験となることに一助となれば幸いです。そして、生きるヒントやビジネスのヒントになれば幸いです。 物語でつなぎ、学び・体験の企画を提供

J-HiStories (ジェイヒストリーズ)
Web Site | |
Instagram & Facebook | @jhistories |
Working Hours | Monday-Friday excluding Japanese Holidays / 9.a.m. - 5 p.m. (JST) |
President & Executive Author | Akemi Wakayama (若山朱美) |
・Japanese History Navigator in English & Japanese (歴史ナビゲータ:日英 ・Aichi Historical Research & Travel Society 愛知歴史研究会会員 ・MBA holder of the University of Leicester レスター大学院卒業MBA保持 ・My grandparents immigrated to San Francisco, and my father was born in the United States. Following my father's relocation to Japan and his marriage to my mother, I came into the world. |

Story of the "J-HiStories"
When traveling to Japan, you will have the opportunity to visit a variety of historic sites such as shrines, temples, castles, gardens, and museums. During my trip to Kyoto with colleagues on a business trip, one of them expressed that while they were enjoying the visit to the temples, they all seemed to look the same. To address this, I provided background information about the people related to these temples, including the reasons why they were built and their significance. My colleague was impressed and commented that he was able to understand the meaning behind each temple. This experience inspired me to establish J-HiStories, which offers a more in-depth look into Japanese history. J-HiStories provides insights into places, historical sites, and cultural heritages rooted in history about the people who played significant roles in shaping Japan's history. By connecting these people, J-HiStories highlights Japan's over 2000-year-long history like a great river in the flow. Their lives have created a unique Japanese philosophy and culture. We hope you will enjoy and appreciate the information we provide, which will deepen your understanding of Japan's history from its beginning to the present day and satisfy your intellectual curiosity.
Story of the Logo

Hoping to provide the image of Japan to you, the logo is created using the motif of cherry blossoms and The Great Wave of Ukiyoe painting, which represents Japan. The color to be used mainly in this website is "Mahoroba"(*). This has also represented the country of Japan since ancient times. The word "mahoroba" written in "真秀" Kanji character also expresses beauty and neatness.
* Source: Japanese Traditional Color Chart by Haruyoshi Nagumo
President & Executive Author